SHA Teaser 2017 - No Commnt.. Again
There might be something hidden in this file, can you find it?
In this challenge a windows executable is given and it is asked to find the flag. When executed it asks for a password:
$ wine SHA_Teaser_bin100_4d128dfbfedbd7e9a7fc47f9b7c9af9d.exe
[*] SHA2017 CTF Teaser BIN 100
No comment... again...
[*] What is the secret?
By using strings
it is possible to notice that the executable has been created using PerlApp, a program that embeds a perl source and a perl interpreter into a single executable:
$ strings SHA_Teaser_bin100_4d128dfbfedbd7e9a7fc47f9b7c9af9d.exe
Also, it is possible to notice that the source code is not embedded in the executable as plaintext, but that maybe it is generated at runtime with some sprintf:
$ strings SHA_Teaser_bin100_4d128dfbfedbd7e9a7fc47f9b7c9af9d.exe | grep "%s"
-e#line 1 "%s"
PERL5DB=BEGIN { $PerlApp::P=$^P; $^P=0; delete %s; PerlApp::_init(%ld); eval %s('%s'); die $@ if $@; $^P=$PerlApp::P;}BEGIN { require '' }
-eBEGIN { PerlApp::_init(%ld); eval %s('%s'); die $@ if $@ }
By opening the executable with IDA, we can notice that in the main function some work is done to manage the command line arguments, and then the function sub_40593F is called:
By decompiling that function we can notice that it just calls sub_40513E:
And then, decompiling sub_40513e we can find the same string saw before using the strings command:
Now, let’s open the executable with ollydbg and set a breakpoint on this function:
By pressing F8 some times in order to execute the function step by step, we can find in the stack a pointer to the perl source:
By doing right click & follow in dump on the source address, we can see the password:
The password is SuPeRS3cr3tsTuFf?!
, but, the challenge is not completed!
$ wine SHA_Teaser_bin100_4d128dfbfedbd7e9a7fc47f9b7c9af9d.exe
[*] SHA2017 CTF Teaser BIN 100
No comment... again...
[*] What is the secret? SuPeRS3cr3tsTuFf?!
[*] Yes, that is correct! However that was not the goal of this challenge.
Did you know that compiled code does not contain any comments?
By scrolling down in the source, we can see the aforementioned comment:
By exporting all the source and saving it to a file we can find the flag, in ascii art:
print "\n[*] SHA2017 CTF Teaser BIN 100\n".
" No comment... again...\n\n";
$secret = "SuPeRS3cr3tsTuFf?!";
print "[*] What is the secret? ";
$answer = <STDIN>
if ($answer eq $secret) {
print "\n[*] Yes, that is correct! However that was not the goal of this challen
" Did you know that compiled code does not contain any comments?\n";
} else {
print "\n[*] Isn't that cute...but it is WRONG!\n";
# W e l l , w e l l, t h e r e i s a c o m m e n t a g a i n
. . . .
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#| | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' |
The flag is FLAG{098B047AA19375CC70AE1C48A03AD2C6}